The moonsoon hit Kolkata alomst three weeks back. The city seems not to have enough of the rain. Neither am I. I am too crazy about rain. Here is a series of photographs that I took while it rained heavily outside.
This was when I was travelling in a bus. Sitting by the window while rain smashed onto the glass was a, shall I say 'romantic'? feeling. My hands automatically raised up and clicked the photo.
Now this was when I was just enjoying the outside visuals while rain poured over my window.
Kolkata isn't complete without a bumpy ride on a rickshaw. Now imagine the effect when its raining and you are sitting over a rickety rickshaw. The man took me to my destination while I sat back and photographed him. By the way, I gave him that umbrella. But I guess he was having a hard time balancing the rickshaw with one hand.