Counter Current

Thursday, November 26, 2009

One year on but the wound is still so fresh

Today India remembers that cruel date: 26/11. It doesn't feel one year. It feels like it has just happened and we are still trying to figure out what has happened. The wounds are still so fresh. And the moment I am opening a newspaper or a TV channel this wound is becoming all the more deep. Why this has affected me so much I don't know. There have been so many attacks in India till now but this was something else. But why do we have to put up with attacks in the first place. Why are we such a easy victim? I don't have an answer. And neither does million of Indians. Today I pray for all those souls who fell prey to non-stop bullets, those who fought to save lives, those who lost someone special. Today everyone remembered in their own way. TV channels, newspapers, organisations did something for those who lost their lives on 26/11. This blog is my remembrance for them. I love you Mumbai. I love you India. Keep rocking as you always did.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Exam day after tomorrow and I am blogging

Guess what! Day after tomorrow I have my first term examination and I am sitting here in front of the computer and blogging. Guess I cant keep my hands away from the computer. What have you done Bill Gates. Its not like I have finished preparation or something but my brain is jammed. I am overloaded with syllabus. Now the question comes what I was doing before. The answer: Had I known I wouldn't be blogging. I guess I am blogging just to take some time off the studies. I wish my teachers at Bhavans don't see this. Otherwise they will think what kind of students they are raising. That too in Public Relations where nothing can be left to last minute preparations. I don't know what will I write day after tomorrow (Hey! Thats the name of a film. See even now I am thinking of films. Can't get them out of my brains I guess). Anyways I will end by silly gibberish here. Wish me luck for the exams.

P.S. 1. You can follow me on Twitter. I am as Sarita Bose.
2. Next post will be on 26/11/2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The internet is back

Yesterday I wished that my internet connection gets reinstalled. And it indeed got reinstalled. When I returned back home yesterday, the first thing I did was to switch on my computer. And when I clicked on the connect button I waited breathlessly (you know how it is when there is no internet connection for more than seven days. Its like there is something missing, a void, someone has taken away a very special thing, a thing you can't live without). And then Bingo!. There was my connection. My monitor happily showing that "Broadband is now connected". I was more happy. I guess now I can't get away from my resolution. I will have to blog regularly (unless and until KMC again doesn't come in the way that is). And I hope that I will keep up with it this time.

Happy Blogging.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

For those who have commented on my last blog

Dear readers,
First of all, thanks for reading such a silly post and commenting. I would have stuck to my resolution but i guess the universe conspired to stop me from my resolution. (Forget the phrase: "When you want something, the whole universe conspires to bring it to you"). Actually the broadband connection in my area is snapped for quite some time now. Its more than a week now I guess. Made complaints but that have not worked yet. So I am posting this as a reply from my office. (No, boss is not looking right now). You know how beautiful the relation is between KMC (That's Kolkata Municipal Corporation, for those who don't know) and our beloved BSNL. They always tramp into each others places. The same thing happened in my area. KMC people dug up the BSNL cables (accidentally, or so they say) for more 'developmental' works and the result - no internet connection for more than seven days. Its not my fault guys. Its the KMCians. I cannot help it. But as I said when you want to do something the universe conspires to bring that to you. So please do keep coming. You will find new blogs (that only if the blessings of KMC are with me). Thanks again for commenting.

P.S. I just hope I see the internet connection reinstalled today when I get back home.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Less than 24hrs to my 24th birthday

Yes! Thats true. Some more hours and I am 24. GOD. I can't believe that one more year and I will be celebrating a silver jubilee of my life. Today I want to resolve something for the coming year. Here it goes:

1. I am gonna loose some weight. (Ok, I admit this has been my most beloved resolution from time immemorial, but with no result. This time around though I will really put up an effort, or so I believe).

2. I will blog regularly. (Now this is needed. Whats the point of having a blog site when you don't post. So from now on I will post regularly, at least once in three days).

3. I will get rid of my inhibitions. (I cannot disclose what they are because most of the time I don't know them myself. But yes there are things I need to grow out of. And I will just try and do that).

Ok I guess thats enough for now. I just hope I could do what I have thought of.

Happy Birthday to me!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Independence Day special

There is something about Independence Day. The day for once changes our attitute towards the country. We all become patriotic. We hoist flags in out rooftops and in some cases in our window panes. Not to forget the 'Ae Mere Watan Ke Logon' song by Lata Mangeshkar that plays almost all day. Every GEC broadcast films made on India's Independence and serial episodes specially dedicated to the occasion. TV Channels forget to give 'Breaking News' every half-an-hour (Independence Day and its celebration can't be a breaking news right? We all know about it) and broadcast news and interview people who are related to India's sovereignty. All the buzz is really wonderful. But I sometimes wonder, has Independence Day been reduced to just another holiday? I hope not.

While passing through the streets just a day before the Independence Day I came across a building that was being decorated for the occasion. I guess that was some kind of Government office building. What stuck me in the building was that every single window and the whole roof was decorated with the beautiful tri-coloured Indian flag. And the decoration was still going on. Here are two pictures that I managed to take:

Look at the picture carefully. Every single window has one flag. And the two people on the roof are still working on adding more flags to the building.

Here is another photo. But thats side angle view. Its not that clear but you can still see the flags.

This was taken from quite a distance and quite an angle.

Maybe this is the spirit of India. And may this spirit remain the same for millions of years that is there to come.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Kolkata Bloggers Meet 09 - The K-factor rocked

Sorry guys, me being the usual late latiff is posting this blog a week later than it was scheduled for. I regret it, honestly. But since now I am writing this blog, I should better get to the point fast. So here goes:

A Kolkata Bloggers Meet was organised last week on 8th August by and together. This was the first ever bloggers meet that I visited. And to tell the truth I was surprised. Surprised not because of the crowd (a crowd is always expected given to the fact that people are so informed these days) but because the immense insight I got about the web industry. Honestly speaking, I am a laymen when it comes to technical stuff of things. I know that I have to click 'Publish Post' and my blog will be up there. Any thing more than that and I am in trouble. Oh! Forgot to add that this event was held in CCD in Salt Lake Sector V, the one below the RDB Cinemas. Now some pictures:

This guy gave a presentation on some trends of blogging and why we need blogging etc. Sorry I forgot his name. But I loved his presentation. Specially his witty inserts in the middle of coversations. You rocked Mr.

There was another guy who presentation I liked. I remember his name but I dont have his picture. Irony isn't it? His name was Abhishek Rungta and he gave a presentation on 'Monetisation of Blogs'. Now thats something I know nothing of. You can see it. I have no ads on my blog! But I liked what he said. It was all new for me.

Some fellow Kolkata (or was it only Kolkatans?) bloggers listening intensely to the speakers. I guess they were enjoying it too. Its clearly visible on their face isn't it?

Arun Agarwal (Finally, I have both the picture and the name together) gave a presentation on 'Reputation Management'. As usual I didn't knew much about it. But I liked what he said. I guess he is a man with great knowledge of the web industry and what companys or individuals can do with it. I liked him throughout the whole presentation.

And now the best part (It ain't over till its over right?)
They gifted all the bloggers something that I never expected.

A beautifully designed T-shirt with a smart messege on it.


And a tutorial CD on Dreamweaver.

I liked both the presents. Thank you webreps and co. Thank you for a lovely evening. Thank you for adding to my knowlegde of web. Thank you for everything.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Nothing's like you monsoon

The moonsoon hit Kolkata alomst three weeks back. The city seems not to have enough of the rain. Neither am I. I am too crazy about rain. Here is a series of photographs that I took while it rained heavily outside.

This was when I was travelling in a bus. Sitting by the window while rain smashed onto the glass was a, shall I say 'romantic'? feeling. My hands automatically raised up and clicked the photo.

Now this was when I was just enjoying the outside visuals while rain poured over my window.

Kolkata isn't complete without a bumpy ride on a rickshaw. Now imagine the effect when its raining and you are sitting over a rickety rickshaw. The man took me to my destination while I sat back and photographed him. By the way, I gave him that umbrella. But I guess he was having a hard time balancing the rickshaw with one hand.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The birth of my first blog

Finally, I have my blog. After so many years of laziness about getting a blog, I finally managed to get one. And this is my first ever post. I hope I will be regularly posting from now on unless until I get another attack of laziness which is quite often. I hope you will like being here!